MisterShortcut invites YOU to quit smoking here at the world's largest personal web site
With special thanks to NCI and NIH for creating this program

Non Smoking Is Habit Forming

Good for you! You have made a commitment not to smoke, and by using this booklet, you know what to do if you are tempted to forget that commitment. It is difficult to stay a nonsmoker once you have had a cigarette, so do everything possible to avoid it.

If you follow the advice in this booklet and use at least one coping skill whenever you have an urge to smoke, you will have quit for keeps!

Relapse: If You Do Smoke Again

If you slip and smoke, don't be discouraged. Many former smokers tried to stop several times before they finally succeeded. Here's what you should do:
  • Recognize that you have had a slip. A slip means that you have had a small setback and smoked a cigarette or two. But your first cigarette did not make you a smoker to start with, and a small setback does not make you a smoker again.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself. One slip doesn't mean you're a failure or that you can't be a nonsmoker, but it is important to get yourself back on the nonsmoking track immediately.

  • Identify the trigger: Exactly what was it that prompted you to smoke? Be aware of the trigger and decide now how you will cope with it when it comes up again.

  • Know and use the coping skills described above. People who know at least one coping skill are more likely to remain nonsmokers than those who do not know any.

  • Sign a contract with yourself to remain a nonsmoker.

  • If you think you need professional help, see your doctor. He or she can provide extra motivation for you to stop smoking. Your doctor may also prescribe nicotine gum or a nicotine patch as an alternative source of nicotine while you break the habit of smoking.

Marking Progress

  • Each month, on the anniversary of your quit date, plan a special celebration.

  • Periodically, write down new reasons you are glad you quit, and post these reasons where you will be sure to see them.

  • Make up a calendar for the first 90 days. Cross off each day and indicate the money you saved by not smoking.

  • Set other, intermediate target dates, and do something special with the money you have saved.
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